Welcome to projectevhn.org
We're a small non-profit do good agency based in Cortez, Colorado, looking to provide affordable housing to our local workforce or to folks who have goals in life and are working towards accomplishing them.
At projectevhn.org, we envision building our community by renovating unused areas to where those in need have access to safe, sustainable, and affordable housing. We are here to empower individuals to pursue their dreams and contribute to our society.

About Us

My name is Gary Welch. I am the founder of ProjectEVHN which is an acronym for Ending Veteran Homelessness Now. When I founded ProjectEVHN as a non-profit in 2017 my focus was on housing homeless veterans that had dependent families.
Since 2017, as time has graciously shown, homelessness has exploded into the current nationwide mess we have now. I felt, I could not in good conscience, not address the homeless in general. My experiences from traveling and through trial and error have led me in the direction I am now pursuing which is to provide rent controlled affordable housing to those folks who have been or are being priced out of their communities.
At the time my preferred medium was shipping containers primarily because of their affordability and availability. The pandemic and subsequent supply chain crisis placed this medium on hold and led me in the direction of a more conventional platform.
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- Date and time is TBDTBD
Contact Us
Temporary Business Hours
1020 South Chestnut St #3
Cortez. CO 81321
Wed & Fri
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
By Appointment
Stay informed about our progress, events, and stories of hope. Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for those in need.